Making the most of an assignment

By Mike. October 8th, 2010. Posted in On assignment No Comments »

Being able to make the most of assignments can be the difference between a successful consulting career and a “didn’t quite happen” job.

During your consulting career (and especially at the start) you will inevitably end up working on at least one “dead end” assignment. This is where one or more element of the assignment (e.g. workload, management style or interest level) is not as good as it should be.

You will have four options.

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Dealing with problems in the workplace

By Mike. September 17th, 2010. Posted in Your career 1 Comment »

There are plenty of times during your time as a consultant where you will need to speak up about something, in fact you probably won’t be able to progress in your career unless you are able to. In my experience, using constructive criticism followed by positive suggestions allow situations to be resolved with the minimum possible stress, and best possible outcome.

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How to approach internal projects – Part 2 (of 2): The Cons

By Mike. August 13th, 2010. Posted in Off assignment 1 Comment »

Last week, in part one (How to approach internal projects – The Pros), we focused on all the good aspects of working on internal projects. This week we will be looking at the negative aspects of working on these kinds projects and what you can do to keep your project, and your sanity, on track.

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Consultive Magazine first week update

By Mike. August 6th, 2010. Posted in Consultive news 1 Comment »

It’s been a busy first week here in the Consultive Magazine office. After our successful launch on Monday, we’ve spent the last few days tweaking the site and responding to emails.

Thanks to everyone who’s taken the time to visit the site and give us your feedback.

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How to approach internal projects – Part 1 (of 2): The Pros

By Mike. August 1st, 2010. Posted in Off assignment 1 Comment »

At some point in your career, you will not have an assignment to work on (sometimes referred to as ‘off the clock’ or ‘on the bench’), so the powers that be will suggest (with varying levels of insistence) that you help on an ‘internal project’. These often involve developing a methodology, product or computer system to aid with the internal workings of the company.

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