A Day in the Life of a Junior IT Consultant

By Mike. February 4th, 2011. Posted in On assignment No Comments »

I thought at this point it might be useful to describe what an average consulting day would consist of. I will walk you through a typical day on client site in the hope that you get a good feel for what life might be like for a consultant.

Here is an average Thursday for you, probably in April time, from one of my first major assignments as a junior consultant. No two days are alike and the idea here is just to give you a flavour of what you might be asked to do as part of an assignment.

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2011 Update

By Mike. January 21st, 2011. Posted in Consultive news No Comments »

‘Where have we been?’ I hear you cry, ‘We have missed our regular update of fantastic consulting knowledge!’. Sorry about that. It has been an exceptionally busy start to 2011, but a good one nonetheless. We have some excellent stuff heading your way including new features, new ways to get involved and some fantastic new authors.

In fact we are working on so much stuff behind the scenes that we are relaxing our publishing policy, so you’ll only have to worry about updating yourself bi-weekly over the coming months. I know this is all a little cryptic right now but all will become clear in due course.

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Learning from The Apprentice

By Mike. December 20th, 2010. Posted in Your career 1 Comment »

‘You’re fired’ – not words that anyone wants to hear, and especially not on BBC1’s ‘The Apprentice’ where it signals your exit from the competition to win a job in one of Lord Alan Sugar’s companies. Each week the contestants demonstrate working with each other can be trying at the best of times, let alone when tight deadlines loom and the pressure is on.

For the last few weeks, the candidates on Wednesday night’s show ‘The Apprentice’ have demonstrated many of the behaviours which come out under pressure, as well as what reaction those undertakings get from other team members. Although ‘The Apprentice’ may not exactly mirror your day to day office life, there are still many lessons to be learnt from the behaviour and thought processes of the candidates.

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The run up to Christmas

By Mike. December 16th, 2010. Posted in Consultive news No Comments »

With only a couple of weeks of Christmas shopping to go, we thought a little insight into our schedule over the holiday period might help you plan ahead.

We have a splendid article on teamwork that is being finished off as you read this and will be available on Monday.

We then have our final article of the year planned for Christmas eve followed by a yearly round up for Consultive Magazine due at year end the following week.

We do hope you stay with us over the Christmas period as there’s still some great stuff to come.

Until Monday then…

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Consultive Magazine’s Guide to Socialising

By Mike. October 22nd, 2010. Posted in Off assignment No Comments »

Moderating your alcohol intake and following the examples of others can save you a lot of problems during your early consulting career.

The average consultant is expected to drink. This is the typical outlook you will find in most consultancies today. By drink, I really mean socialise. It just so happens that these social activities usually take place in the most convenient locations outside the office, which tend to be pubs and bars.

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