Privacy Policy

Consultive Magazine is owned and run by Light Arc in collaboration with JMCQUARRIE. The following few paragraphs outline what information is collected while you view this site, and how it is used.

Visitor statistics

Like millions of other websites round the World when you browse through this site the server on which it is hosted collects some information about what you’re doing. This is stored in the server logs of this site’s hosting company Dreamhost based in the USA.

This information includes things such as; browser settings, operating system (windows / OS X / etc), IP address, and screen settings. It also collates information about how you move through the site and where you came from to get here (if you followed a link from somewhere to here, or if you came straight to this site).

This same type of information is also collected and stored by Google Analytics. In both cases the information is not traceable to individuals and does not contain personal information such as email addresses or names.

Both sets of data are collected to be used for analysing the popularity of this site. This information may be made public or shared with third parties to show people how many people visit this site or to illustrate trends in visitor’s browser / computer set up.

Commenting on this site

To leave a comment on this site, visitors must supply their name and email address. Their website URL (address) is optional. If supplied their URL and their name will be published with their comment. Their email address will never be published or shared under any circumstances. Their email address is collected so the Consultive team can contact them privately should we wish to discuss their comment in any way.

This information is stored in the Content Management System (CMS) that is used to run Consultive Magazine.

The site owners reserve the right to monitor all comments that are submitted and either refuse to publish them, or edit them at their discretion.

How to have a comment removed / edited

If you have left a comment on this site and wish to have it removed or edited at all please use the contact page and let the Consultive Magazine team know.

Using the contact form

Personal information submitted by email using the contact form on this site will be kept private, and will never be shared or published without the express permission of the person concerned.

Hello & Welcome

Hello and Welcome to Consultive Magazine. Whether you're looking to join the consulting industry, have just joined or even have been part of it for a while we have something for you. We get leading industry experts to write about their experiences in the world of consultancy. They share their insights, lessons learnt and hints and tips so you, our reader, can benefit from their knowledge and get ahead in your own consulting career. Read more about us.