Where to find your perfect consulting job

By James. February 18th, 2011. Posted in Your career 1 Comment »

After months of publishing articles dealing with the pros and cons of working in the consulting industry, and exposing some of the day to day challenges of the job, we thought it would be a good time to point you to some of the best resources for finding you your perfect consulting job.

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Rounding up 2010

By James. December 31st, 2010. Posted in Consultive news No Comments »

As the year draws to a close we thought we’d use the final post of the year to reflect on what we’ve managed to achieve in 2010. Consultive Magazine is now five whole months old, having been launched on 01 August. In five months we’ve stuck to our target of publishing a consulting related article […]

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How to network like a pro

By James. December 10th, 2010. Posted in Your career 3 Comments »

Consulting, like any other service sector business, is powered by relationships. The more relationships people in your organisation have with contacts outside of your company, the more business your firm will win. This, in most consulting firms and in business in general is referred to as “Networking”. Never has the adage “it’s all about who you know” been so true.

So how does this insightful information help you as a new consultant? Read on to find out.

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Why upward management is a skill you should learn now

By James. November 26th, 2010. Posted in Your career 1 Comment »

In the world of Management Consulting, and almost every other industry for that matter, there is a lot of time and energy put into training people in the art of project and people management. New line managers are sent on line management training courses that can last days. Project managers are taught numerous project management techniques from simple time planning right through to accredited methodologies like Prince 2. Even as an IT undergraduate I, like many others, had to take a module entitled Software Project Management to learn how to deliver software projects on time and budget, that’s how important project management is deemed.

What none of these courses and very few firms teach their employees is the art of Upward Management, or in other words; the art of “Managing your manager”.

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Consultive Magazine update 3 months in

By James. November 12th, 2010. Posted in Consultive news 1 Comment »

Mike and I thought it was about time for an update on the goings on here at Consultive Magazine so this week instead of an article from one of our authors we are hijacking the site to fill you in on what’s been happening…

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